About that Skulpt Aim …

I apologize, I’ve been busy! I was going to write up a whole article about the comparative analysis, but I really don’t think it’s worth the time to read (or write for that matter).

The Skulpt Aim isn’t worth the money either. The first unit I received was buggy. It claimed my body composition was 100% fat. Sent it back, got a new one and this one claims I’m somewhere around 20% fat. At least that’s feasible, but using skin fold calipers I’m around 7-8%.

Comparing the Skulpt aim, the numbers were all over the place using it on around a dozen subjects. It was basically as accurate as bio-impedance.

Long story short, just use skin fold calipers. They’re accurate and cheap. They don’t require power and can be used quickly (once you get the hang of it).

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